Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Typical Persians: Facts and Stereotypes

First off, Persians are from Iran and they speak Farsi. I'm just putting that out there because it can get confusing sometimes for people who aren't Persian. More importantly though, Iran is pronounced "ee-RON" not "EYE-ran" (We aren't running anywhere). This is also true for Iraq which is pronounced "ee-ROCK" not "EYE-rack". Now that that's out of the way we can get into the awkward weirdness that Persians are made of...

Disclaimer: The things that I mention below are not universal by any means. They are merely things that I've observed or heard other Persians talk about being true. Also, I'm only half Persian so I'm not as immersed into the culture as other Persians are. 

1) eat a lot of rice and stews 
2) kiss each other's cheeks when they meet each other
3) are really LOUD 
4) always have food set out when guests come over and constantly offer the food to people 
5) have a bump of some sort on their nose
6) ALWAYS drink tea (hot tea) even when it's boiling hot outside 
7) fight about who will pay for the bill because they always want to pay for the bill (especially when they are out with other Persians). Side tip- if you don't have money find a Persian to go out with because they will insist on paying for you :)

8) Persian girls stereotypically have long, straight, and dark hair. They also wear a lot of makeup and typically wear all black.
9) Persian boys stereotypically drive BMWs. 

Videos for people who want to explore more about Persians: 
Funny video of stereotypical Persian moms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwZUt9cwprk   
100 years of Persian beauty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7XmJUtcsak 

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